1. Chips can only be used during primary fermentation
(they are not being used for flavor). Add 4-8 pounds of chips per ton of
2. Or, StaVin Granular can also be
used during primary fermentation. Add 1/2 to 1 pound of Granular per ton of
3. Also, you may add tannin
supplements (sequential additions provide more consistent
4. A combination of toasted
Granular oak and tannin supplements may maximize results.
5. For higher quality oak, add bags of StaVin Beans,
Segments or Staves to the fermentation at 4 - 8 pounds per ton of
Adding toasted oak into the
fermentor provides compounds to aid in the stabilization of tannins and color.
Oak during this stage is not necessarily added for flavor. At this point, be
careful not to overuse oak chips, since shaved oak pieces can add harsh and
bitter characteristics. Sequential additions of tannin
supplements (TS) can also provide color and tannin stabilization. Rather than
adding 3 to 5 lbs. of TS per ton of grapes at once, begin by adding 1 pound and
adding one pound per day thereafter, or as recommended by the product's
provider. This latter dosage is optimal because the material is added as a
soluble solution. The reactive (stabilizing) compounds which are present will
react with available anthocyanins and tannins. As more tannins and color are
extracted from skins and seeds, more reactants will be needed to stabilize
them. Therefore, sequential addition of these tannin supplements becomes more
effective than a single dose in stabilizing color and
tannin. Sequential addition of TS's also explains why the
addition of toasted oak seems more consistent in its ability to stabilize color
and build middle body. The slower extraction of compounds from toasted oak
enables reactants to always be present as anthocyanins and tannins are being
extracted from seeds and skins. |